Friday, December 27, 2019
The Liberator By Alberto Arvelo - 896 Words
In 2013 the biopic of Simà ³n Bolà var called The Liberator, directed by Alberto Arvelo was created to demonstrate the liberation of Latin America during the 1800s as well as the various obstacles Simà ³n Bolà var had overcome in order to free his country. The Liberator was an impactful film that truly demonstrated the hardships and inferiority of indigenous life due to Spain s reign of dominance which drastically damaged the overall tone and development of many Latin Americans. Throughout the duration of the film, various themes such as inequality, nationalism, and liberalism were present during Bolà var s war against the Spanish Empire; Bolà var s ideals on the true destiny of man had both divided the country between patriots and royalists as well as sparking a revolution against the Spanish due to his disobedience. Simà ³n Bolà var was a Venezuelan militaries and political leader known as The Liberator for his role in challenging the powerful Spanish Empire in order t o establish independence and equality within Latin America. However, despite fighting for a noble cause and providing unity amongst the indigenous people of Latin America, Bolà var s leadership was often questioned due to his determination to win liberty. The film The Liberator was a biopic that followed the life of Simà ³n Bolà var during Latin American Independence in which he led his military consisting of natives against the Spanish in order to achieve liberty. I feel that Alberto Arvelo of Caracas,Show MoreRelatedThe Liberator By Alberto Arvelo1089 Words  | 5 Pages The Liberator, directed by Alberto Arvelo, is a historical biographical film documenting the life of Simon Bolivar and his struggle against the Spanish for equality in South America. Somewhat surprisingly, the cast is an incredibly gifted cast in comparison with other Latin American produced films with smaller budgets. Édgar Ramà rez was the main actor who played the role of Simon Bolivar in the film. Erich Wildpret played the critical role of Antonio Jose de Sucre. This prominent general was murdered
Thursday, December 19, 2019
David Ricardo s Theory Of Comparative Advantage - 1504 Words
David Ricardo is a well-known economist who found it hard to make his big break in the field of economics. He created the â€Å"Theory of Comparative Advantage†, or free international trade. His ideas he had were hard for people to grasp, and understand at the time, and even today. Over his career, he encountered some struggles, but he kept doing what he thought was right, and fair, and in the end he was successful. David Ricardo was born in London in 1772. He grew up in a large family with more than 10 brothers and sisters. His parents were Jewish immigrants who settled in England. His dad made a successful career for himself, and for his family. He was a stockbroker. Ricardo was sort of drawn into the business, because his dad had the business. Ricardo was fourteen when he entered the market with his dad. When he married he went a different path than the one his family would of liked for him to have. He chooses to marry a Quaker. After the marriage tension arose, causing him to have to leave his family. Ricardo still had a lump some of money, so he used it to expand his education. He didn’t just spend time learning about the political economy. He took time to study other important subjects like math, reading, and science. During this time he became interested in Adam Smith’s â€Å"Wealth of Nations†, and this inspired him to write his own pamphlets named â€Å"The High Price of Bullion†, a â€Å"Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes†. Which became very popular in 1810. The benefit ofShow MoreRelatedDavid Ricardo : Comparative Advantage1397 Words  | 6 PagesDavid Ricardo; Comparative Advantage David Ricardo, a British political economist was born on April 18, 1772 in London, England. He was the third child of seventeen in a Sephardic Jewish family who originated from Portugal and had recently emigrated from the Dutch Republic. At the age of fourteen, Ricardo began to work with his father, Abraham Ricardo, who was a famous stockbroker. When Ricardo was twenty-one years of age, he ran off and got married with Priscilla Anne Wilkinson, a Quaker, and becameRead MoreDifferent Theories Concepts Of International Trade Theories1697 Words  | 7 Pagesthis paper, the author will examine, and categorizes the differences between different theory concepts of international trade theories. The author will analysis and seriously assess their believe concepts and believe. The author of this assignment agrees with the economist that international trade is the interdependence of nations in terms of trade. International trade theories are basically different theories, with their concept o f trade how they explain international trade. 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The trade theories have a central place in the analysis of economics and are what actually underpins the free trade doctrine. Free trade doctrines have long and fascinating history all over the world. This paper will therefore look at the origin of comparative advantage and how it affects international trade. It will further analyze the theories by Ricardo and Heckscher and O hlin and explain why comparative advantageRead MoreChapter 56435 Words  | 26 Pagesdiscredited doctrine E. It still influences many governments 4. The theory of __________ was advanced by Adam Smith. A. absolute advantage B. capitalism C. similar opportunity D. mercantilism E. comparative advantage 5. Which of the following international trade scholars was the first to explain why unrestricted free trade is beneficial to a country? A. Adam Smith B. Bertil Ohlin C. Eli Heckscher D. Paul Krugman E. David Ricardo 6. __________ refers to a situation where a government does not attemptRead MoreEconomic Theories Of International Free Trade Essay2137 Words  | 9 PagesThroughout the centuries of economic theories, there have always been major disagreements amongst economists. Each believing their theory provides a better explanation or solution to the economic situations the globe finds itself in. The anomaly to these disagreements is the theory, first introduced by Adam Smith, which states that international free trade is in the best interest of the trading countries and the ever globalizing world as a whole. This essay shall compare the views of the great economists;Read More Challenging Comparative Advantage Essay1410 Words  | 6 PagesComparative advantage is a principle developed by David Ricardo in the early 19th century to explain the benefits of mutual trade (Carbaugh, 2008). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Australias Visa System Section 44 A Law Act
Question: Discuss about the Australias Visa System for Section 44 A Law Act. Answer: 1. A As stated in Section 4AA of the Family Law Act (1975), 'de facto relationship' is a kind of relationship in which two people live together as a couple without marriage and registered relationship.[1] The relationship starts from the time a couple start living together on a genuine domestic basis. However, the relationship is not considered as de facto relationship if the two individuals are legally married or are related by family relations. In order to satisfy the requirements of a de facto relationship, the couple who are not living together may be required to provide the evidence that they are not living separately on a permanent basis to satisfy the necessities of a de facto relationship. Emma do qualify as a de facto partner of Jason because they had been living together for six months but due to the ill health of Jason's mother, he had to return back to Australia. Now he wants to sponsor Emma to come to Australia being her de facto spouse. Although, they are living separately for a certain period of time, they lived together for six months before Jason went back home. It is expected under the law of Australia that couples may live physically apart from each other for a period of time because of work or due to some other commitments, but they should remain in a genuine and continuous relationship and should be committed to each other despite of all other liabilities. Moreover, de facto relationship exists from the time couple start living together and there is no minimum time period limit required to establish a relationship as de facto.[2] There is no requirement to select other options as Jason is in a de facto relationship with Emma currently and is committed to her. Therefore, he should sponsor Emma to come to Australia. Moreover, in case where the issue of period of physical cohabitation arises, Department of Migration may take into account various other aspects such as the duration of relationship, nature and extent of mutual residence, financial interdependency, or performance of household duties.[3] B. In order to sponsor her parents to come to Australia, Emma can make use of Parent Visa. The eligibility criteria of sponsoring parents to come to Australia is that the sponsoring child should be an Australian citizen, permanent resident of Australia or eligible citizen of New Zealand. There are two categories of Parent Visas i.e. parent category, in which, parents can apply to migrate to Australia being sponsored by their child who is a citizen or permanent citizen of Australia, or eligible citizen of New Zealand. The other one is Contributory Parent i.e. to allow the expansion of the Parent Migration Program on the basis that applicants pay a higher visa application charge and a larger Assurance of Support. In order to be granted a visa in the Parent category, one must satisfy the following requirements; Must have a child, who; i) is an Australian citizenship, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen ii) must be a resident of Australia for at least two years iii) must be willing to sponsor parents iv) must be at least of 18 years Must pass the balance of family test; i) At least half of the children live permanently in Australia ii) More number of children to be living legally and permanently in Australia than in any other country individually Must satisfy certain public interest criteria; i) must satisfy health and character check criteria ii) an approved Assurance of Support and have lodged an Assurance of Support bond. Parent visa would be the most appropriate option for Emma to sponsor her parents to come to Australia as she was granted the permanent citizenship of Australia before three years. She satisfies all the necessities of the Parent Visa as she is above the age of 18 years and she is willing to sponsor her parents. For satisfying the criteria of public interest, the parents of Emma must satisfy the health and character criteria also. According to the requirements of Aged Parents Visa (Subclass 804), males must have completed the age of 65 years and females must have completed the age of 63 years (, 2016). Therefore, both the parents of Emma do not satisfy the age requirement for Visa purpose as the age of her parents is 62 and 58 respectively. That is why; the best option for Emma would be Parent Visa instead of Aged Parents Visa. Contributory Visa would also be the best option for Emma but the requirements are higher visa application charge and a larger Assurance of Support (Australian Visa Bureau , 2016).[4] C. The requirements of Remaining Relative visa (subclass 835) or (subclass 115) are; i) It allows someone to come to Australia and to stay as a permanent resident whose only near relative is living in Australia and is a permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand and is willing to sponsor them ii) Applicant must be staying outside at the time of granting of visa for Australia. iii) There must be someone in Australia who provide them the assurance of support iv) They must meet the health and character requirements for the visa purpose. The health examination is valid only for a period of 12 months for all the members including in the application for visa. The character requirement includes the police verification from every country the person lived for 12 months or more during the last 10 years.[5] As Michelle satisfies all the essential requirements for visa, through the remaining relative visa, she can come to Australia to live with her sister and rest of the family permanently and she can include the name of her child in her application. She must have to provide the health examination report and police verification certificate of herself and the child at the time she will be asked by the migration authorities. This is considered as permanent visa and it permits the person applying and his/her to live permanently in Australia as a permanent resident of Australia. The person can apply for the citizenship of Australia after becoming the resident of Australia. 2. a) The main purpose of development in immigration system of Australia is to reduce the deficiency of skills in Australia. According to a temporary business visa i.e. Subclass 457 work visa, employers are provided with the permission by the government of Australia to sponsor the workers from foreign countries. The period for which the employers can sponsor the workers having desired skills may extend from one day to four years. The workers are allowed to keep their families during this period along with them and the family members can work also for that specific duration.[6] The essential requirements which are required to be followed for 457 work visa are; i) Eligible employers should sponsor the employees, ii) the employees must satisfy the requirements of qualification, experience, and skills desired for the particular position offered by the employee iii) the employees are required to meet the requirements of English language proficiency i.e. must have scored the point score of 5 in IELTS in all the four components separately iv) the employees must possess the required license desired for the position offered. It is essential for Wang to obtain the average point score in all the tests and minimum point score in each of the components. The scoring criteria of English test are mentioned below; i) the average score essential for IELTS is 5 and the minimum score of 4.5 in particular group ii) for health and associated professionals, to pass the 'Occupational English Test (OET)' is essential and 'B pass' is required for each of the four components. iii) total group score of 36 in TOEFL iBT is essential along with at least 3 in listening and reading and 12 in speaking and writing. iv) average group score of 36 in Pearson Test of English (PTE) is essential along with 30 particularly in each group. v) average group score of 154 and minimum of 147 particularly in each group is essential to clear Cambridge Advanced English (CAE). All the applicants are required to essentially meet the requirements of English language test in order to obtain the work visa. However, there are certain exemption provisions which are provided to the applicants which are mentioned below.[7] i) if they are having the passport from the countries like UK, USA, New Zealand or Ireland; ii) if they have accomplished the education of 5 years up to secondary or tertiary level from English medium; iii) if they are able to pay $96,400 over the English Language Skills Exemption Threshold (ELSET).[8] b) Tran can sponsor Wang if he satisfies all the desired requirements essential for an employer under 457 work visas and is considered as eligible for applying for worker requirements. However, he must not demand money from Wang in response to sponsoring Tran to come to Australia for work because it is an illegal act. Moreover, Wang will also be considered as involved in the illegal act if he satisfies the financial demand of Tran. In 2015, new civil and criminal penalties and visa cancellation provisions were framed as a constituent of 'paying for visa sponsorship', according to which, various sanctions shall be imposed on the person found being involved in demands, offers, acceptances, or providing of the advantages in return for the sponsorship of visa or for employment purpose.[9] Wang is also not good in English language and he is required to qualify the entire English language tests essential for the purpose of 457 visa or he shall also avail the facility of exemption from such te sts. There are various penalty provisions which are applied on the breach of provisions of Migration Act of Australia (, 1958).[10] Wang and Tran would be held guilty under civil penalty provisions if they would be found guilty.[11] Under civil penalty provisions which are relevant to sponsorship issues, a certain fixed amount of penalty shall be required to be paid by the person held guilty to the Commonwealth as an alternative to the proceedings to be occurred against him as a civil penalty order.[12] c) Workers who possess specific skills desired by a specific occupation can avail the facility of Skilled Migration visas in order to stay and work in Australia. Under the provisions of General Skilled Migration Program of Australia, the migrants and workers who possess some skills are allowed to apply for the permanent visa of Australia on the ground of their desired qualification, language ability, and experience of the skill. Before applying for work visa, the interested candidate must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). SkillSelect is a skilled worker program which was introduced in 2012 by the Australian immigration department. It i8s an electronic two-stage procedure in which the eligible visa applicants are required to submit a claim in support of skilled migration through EOI. After submission, the applicants are then invited on the basis of their EOI to submit the application for visa. The selection criteria of the applicants for visa are based upon the point test scores obtained by them in number of tests. The eligibility criteria of obtaining the visa include the fulfillment of desired English language requirements by the applicants. Moreover, they are required to meet the requirements of essential skills assessment prior to the submission of EOI. In order to apply for migration to Australia under the category of skilled visa, Ada must submit an EOI prior to the application for visa. She would be invited by the authorities to submit the application on the basis of her EOI. Moreover, she would be required to meet all the essential requirements of the English language tests essential for the purpose of visa for Australia.[13] The minimum requirement for the purpose of immigration to Australia is the minimum scores in the Point Test Score. There are points in the test on the basis of age, English language ability, Employment skill, qualification, Australian study requirements, credentialed community language qualifications, study in regional Australia, skill and qualifications of partner, professional year in Australia, nominated by State or territory government, and nominated by State or territory government or sponsored by an eligible family member.[14] Ada should apply for visa under Skilled Independent visa (Subclass 189) which applies for the workers who possess skills and qualified points test and who are not being sponsored by any employer or family member and is not being nominated by state or territory government. When they are considered to be eligible for application, they must have to choose an occupation from the skilled occupation list mentioned in the form.[15] They are required to qualify all the skills assessments and should be below the age of 50 years and possess the competent knowledge in English language. They should meet the requirements of point score mentioned in the letter of invitation.[16] d) Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupation (ANZSCO) codes is basically a search facility which gives new updates on General Skilled Migration visas for subclasses i.e. 189, 190, and 489. This classification system is based on skills which can be further used by users to find occupations and services in the Australia and New Zealand. In addition, the users have facility to compare the ratio of occupation produced by both the countries. This search facility is completely web based which provides a unique password and a list with the titles of occupations which when clicked shows the meaning of occupation (, 2016). According to the ANZSCO code, Ada's occupation of pediatric nurse code should be 254411 as Nurse Practitioner. Assessing Authorities are accountable for assessing the skills needed for migration. As per the case of Ada, the assessing authority should be Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) and Medical Board of Australi a (MBA).[17] e) Ada is 33years old and completed her Bachelor's degree in Nursing Birmingham University (U.K.). She had 5 years of work experience at Queen Mary Hospital situated in Hong Kong and scored average marks in IELTS test which comprises of 4 test components. Her sister who lives in Australia is ready to subsidize her and her family for migration. Ada applied for Skilled Independent (Subclass 189) visa. Therefore, she needs to score 60 points as to pass the test. According the criteria of age, she is 33 years old and suitable for 25 marks which are passing points. According to the English test criteria, she scored average marks in IELTS test which comprises of 4 test components therefore; she does not scored any points. According to her work experience the work tenure she worked at Queen Mary Hospital, she is suitable for 10 points which comes under abroad employment in voted resembling occupation or a skilled occupation. Based her on educational qualification, her points should be 15 pass points because she had done her Bachelor's in Nursing from well-known University. Another criteria of sponsorship, she can score 10 points due to her sister, which is an Australian Citizen and ready to subsidize her and her family but to gain this chance she have to apply for visa under subclass 489. According to all the criteria, she scored total 50 pass points but the pass points for Visa subclass 189 is minimum 60 and still she lacks 10 points. At the end she does not pass the test for applying the visa of Australia. By this her status for applied visa will be get affected, so she should go for the sponsorship visa subclass as her sister is capable to sponsor her. If her sister sponsor's her than she will be suitable for visa under subclass 489. At the last, it is recommended to her that she should apply visa for Australia under subclass 489 rather than 189 because she is not matching the criteria of pints pass test.[18] f) From time to time the charges have to pay for a change in visa which is based on the date of the application of visa is received by the authorities.[19] Between the time period of applying the application and receiving the application if the cost of application increased, so the applicant have to pay the increased amount for application. According to the present current visa pricing table for Skilled Independent (Subclass 189) and in fact she goes with another option and applies for subclass 489, she has to pay $3600 which is the base price of application because she comes under the category of 12a or 12d respectively as stated by subclass in which she is applying. Her husband is also interested in applying for this visa therefore; it will cost additional applicant charges of $1800 and her son which is 10 years old she have to pay $900 additional applicant charges for him. Now, she has to pay total $6300 as applicant charges to apply for visa of Australia. In addition, according to t he category of 12a, if any visa applicant is found as not possessing functional English, so they are expected to pay additional amount of $4885 which is known as second installment. Due to lack of functional English criteria, Ada has to pay second installment of $4885 along with the $6300 as visa application charges.[20] References Acacia,457 English Requirement | Acacia | Immigration Australia(2016) Acacia,Online Points Test for Skilled Migration(2016) Anzscosearch,Search by Assessing Authority(2014) Anzscosearch AustLII,Migration Regulations 1994(2016) AustLII,Migration Regulations 1994 - REG 5.20Acivil Penalty Provisions(2016) AustLII,MIGRATION ACT 1958 - SECT 5Interpretation(2016) Australian Bureau of Statistics,1220.0 - ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.2(2016),%20Version%201.2 Australian Government,Work Visa Scams(2015) Australian Government,Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)(2016) Australian Government Department of Human Services,Definition Of A Partner(2016) Australian Visa Bureau,Australia Parent Visa Questions: Australian Visa Bureau(2016) Australian Visa Bureau,Australia Skilled Immigration Points Test - Australian Visa Bureau(2016) Australian Visa Bureau,Australia Skilled Visa Requirements(2016) Department of Immigration and Border Protection,Fees And Charges For Visas(2016) Department of Immigration and Border Protection,Remaining Relative Visa (Subclass 115)(2016) Family Court of Australia,De Facto Relationships - Family Court Of Australia(2016) Find Law,The Legal Requirements Of A De Facto Relationship(2016) Webster, Mark,Average Band Scores Accepted for 485 and 457 Visa English Tests | Acacia | Immigration Australia(2015) Work Permit,457 Work Visa | Australian Skilled Immigration(2016) Work Permit,Australia Visa | General Skilled Migration (GSM) Program | Australian Immigration Visas(2012)
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Noah and Saskia free essay sample
Noah and Saskia’s avatars are a positive way for them to deal with the pressures of growing up. â€Å"Noah and Saskia†is about two teenagers who deal with tough issues in their lives such as the expectations placed on them by their parents. They both meet on the internet, on a website called ‘webweeve’. Noah writes comics while Saskia loves to play the guitar. They decide to use their skills to perfect Noah’s comic. The only problem, Noah lives in England and Saskia lives in Australia. Noah and Saskia’s personas are a positive way for them to cope with the distractions of becoming an adult because they can talk about their problems and to relive stress. Throughout the essay, these positive ways will be explored such as: opening up to each other, forming a relationship and getting to know their true selves better. Noah and Saskia both have problems in their lives. We will write a custom essay sample on Noah and Saskia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But never anyone to talk to, since their families aren’t the right people to open up to, so they can help them. When they adopt their avatars as Indy and Max they both become whoever they want to be and have the confidence to express themselves freely. â€Å"In the end people accept you for what’s on the inside â€Å". Their best friends Clive (Max’s best friend) and Renee (Saskia’s best friend) see that has the opposite they believe that people accept you for how good looking you are or how you act around them. As they continue to talk to each other, this gives them a sense of comfort, security and belonging. Through this experience together, they begin to form a trusting friendship filled with similar interests and talents. As the episodes continue their friendships grows and they become the best of friends. Saskia’s dream is to get a band going as she has the talent for music and Noah’s talent is HTML/comics on his website. Together they make a comic with Saskia’s music so maybe she can get recognised. Their personas online are a positive aspect because they are not able to do this offline. As they are too embarrassed as they fear judgement and lack of acceptance from their family and friends. E. g. Saskia’s mother wants her to be a lot of things when she is older: a judge by the time she is 25 etc and Noah’s expectations are from his dad to be good at soccer and to stop worrying about computers all the time. After they become good friends they begin to interpret each other’s words to meaning something else. Noah and Saskia have been chatting for quite a while and the audience can see that they are falling for each other, even though both characters deny it and try to act cool. E. g. In episode 9 ‘Extra Spice’ Indy tells Max that she has a band going with Ernesto or Enrique as Max thinks. Max compliments her and says good luck. When Saskia signs off, Noah gets very angry and breaks his mouse with his hand and frowns at the screen, he tells Clive and asks for some advice. This shows that he cares for Saskia and is jealous that she is spending time with Ernesto. Although things seem rocky, they achieve inner thoughts and feelings which helps them to dissolve them to discover their own identities. The slogan for the T. V series is â€Å"Who do you want to be†, this is a relative quote that relates to the whole series. Noah and Saskia have a dream to be just like Indy and Max in reality. To have the guts to say what they want and to achieve what they can with their personas. E. g. Noah nearly achieves this in episode 11 when he buys the Max Hammer glasses and stands up to bullies and sarcastic teachers. But then goes a bit too far which makes him losing his girl. The only way for them to achieve this is to have confidence when performing facing the audience not turning your back. Also to realise that being a geek isn’t that bad, if you are good at computers. Noah and Saskia have dreams but in the end it’s how far they want to take those dreams and to achieve them. In conclusion, friendships can be created wherever you go and whatever you do. But in this case it is started through an online chat. Which ends up going deeper and deeper into an intimate relationship? I have learnt that not all people online are strangers and dangerous. The idea of the show is to reveal that personas can actually help us discover our true selves and who we really want to be. For me I want to be a professional soccer player but in the end it is all up to me and how far I want to take it.
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