Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Elements of Music Essay Example for Free
Elements of Music Essay Review Questions: 1. The basic elements of music are pitch, rhythm, dynamics, melody, and form. 2. Pitch is the frequency of a sound; it relates to the highness or lowness of a tone that we hear. 3. Syncopation involves placing emphasis on normally un-emphasized beats or using a rest on a normally emphasized beat. The types of music that uses syncopation are ska, reggae, rap, jazz, and some forms of metal. 4. The three examples in forms of music are concerto, sonata, and symphony. A concerto is a musical piece in which one solo instrument (such as a piano or violin) is accompanied by an orchestra. A sonata is a musical composition for a solo instrument (often piano or other keyboard instruments). A symphony is a musical piece that has been scored for a full orchestra; it is often an extended composition. 5. Form in music is the framework that a composer uses to create a piece of music. It is the combination of other musical instruments, such as pitch, tempo, and dynamics. Critical Thinking Questions 1. I definitely agree with this assessment because music speaks to different cultures around the world, defining the term ‘’universal’’. Even if two people speak two different languages, such as French or Japanese, they would still relate to their own way of music throughout their language in their types of background. 2. Musical notation is important because it determines how you learn the notes of the music and how the piece is played. The benefits of writing down notes to make a musical piece are creating the melody sharing the music with others by communicating them through the piece, and possibly make more pieces somewhat similar to that. 3. The ways we use music in our society are through listening on the radio in our cars, or on our mp3 players. We use it through TV commercials, movies, in stores as background music, videogames, and mostly on the internet. We can also make music ourselves based off of playing instruments, recordings in studios, and making beats with any object or instrument. This is also how I mostly use music in my life, particularly through being in choirs, singing, and getting inspiration to do so by listening to different types of music on my mp3 player. 4. The experience I felt which changed my mood about the specific music that played is when in 2005 I went to my first concert in California with my mother and my aunt to go see Madonna perform. As we sat in the front row, it began by a huge crystal ball coming down on the stage and while it split in two, Madonna appeared and singed with all the backup dancers surrounding her. It was a strange scenery for me on how she appeared on how she appeared and basing her theme off of glittery, shiny glamorous things throughout singing from her most notable songs. Though I was confused at first especially since I was young and never experienced that before, it made me feel excited and happy listening to the rhythm and the melody of the music, which was mainly fast tempo.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Stone Angel :: essays research papers
The Stone Angel Event by event, memory by memory the scales fall from Hagar's eyes until she sees clearly her own nature. No longer blaming others, she dies courageously by being fully responsible for her own life. What are the stages of Hager's enlightenment. The novel The Stone Angel portrays an image of a ninety-year-old woman, Hagar Currie, who confronts her past of personal failures in an attempt for rejuvenation before death. Hagar has lead a life dominated by authority and memories of whom she is expected to be. As she goes through life she continually tries to escape from her fears and gain acceptance. Through events and journeys, Hagar is able to release herself from the restrictions that have prevented her from leading a satisfactory life. Thus, to reconcile with herself and her fate, Hagar must flee from three domestic confinements: her father, her husband and her eldest son. As a child, Hagar was hampered by the pride, social standards and disciplines of her father, Jason Currie. Hagar's life had been dominated by the authority of her father and that is what drove her away from him. Jason Currie was a very proud, self-made man who pushed his values on his children. It is easily seen that many of the father's traits belong, also, to his daughter, such as his pride and stubbornness. Hagar is often closely compared to the stone angel that stands over her mother's grave, doubly blind. It is for this reason that Hagar lived a joyless life for which she was unable to express herself. Jason Currie was excessively caught up in his own dynasty, his image, and was determined to have his children uphold this image. He wanted his children, especially Hagar, to display his pride and behave at the level of his standards. Hager's emotional reactions and superficial outlook were determined by the views expressed by her father's examples and reinforced by punishment. With a father who will tolerate no weakness of any kind, Hagar learned how not to express any emotions. Such as when Hagar says "Oh, look! The funniest wee things, scampering" (Pg.9) while looking at the sultanas, her father's commodities. This was an insult to her father's reputation and pride and makes it known through punishment. However, no matter how much he strikes her hands she refuses to cry. It is at this point that the reader sees how much like her father she really is.
Monday, January 13, 2020
How Has Technology Affected Global Business Essay
Before the arrival of the era of the technology, business was done very inside the four walls of the office. Technology advancement is responsible for today’s noticeable changes in the field of business, mainly in international business. Nowadays, almost every home and office is equipped with computers that are connected to the Internet. Most businesses are conducted over personal computers or other communication devices such as handheld devices. It has become easier to access information and learn about developing economic trends and problems as well as gather data on foreign exchange market, cultures and policies. The advancement of technology has also made it easier for businesses to deal with foreign investments. Furthermore, technology has changed the way we deal with business matters. The internet has become a very useful tool for international companies. Other than that, Schermerhorn, Davidson, Poole, Simon, Woods and Chau (2004) stated that â€Å"computers allow organizations of all types and sizes, locally and internationally, to speed transactions and improve decision making. Schermerhorn, Davidson, Poole, Simon, Woods and Chau (2004) also suggested that from small retailers to the big international firms, technology is an important tool for everyday operation whether it is for inventory checking, sales transaction making, ordering goods or analyzing customer preferences. With internet, video conferencing can be used by both parties to see each other virtually on TV or computer screen. For example, in Malaysia we can have a conversation with a raw material supplier in China and a manufacturer from Taiwan. By using the internet, companies across the world can perform research and socialize with partners and suppliers better. This will eventually lead us to having a better relationship with international suppliers and customers. Next, the existence of technology has also caused improvement in the field of the media in the means of communication. Anyone can easily access data of a specific foreign company with the help of media such as internet, radio, newspaper and magazines. Increased media capabilities can help international businesses improve their productivity through media’s various means of reaching out to public. Once a company’s productivity level increases, profits can also scale up. Other than that, with computers, we can now store dense databases, personal schedules and other important information in the computer without having to store the old and dusty piles of papers and files in the office. Accessibility of files also has become an easy task with series of password keys and shared folders. Cash transactions are easily made, delay in reduced hence giving liquidity to business. In order to save time and effort, we can also now use accounting software such as UBS to record and process accounting transactions. The shipment of raw materials and finished products is very important to any business, but mostly for those with an international scope. Technology of transportation enables a company on one continent to send its raw materials or products to another company in a different continent. Technological advancements in airplanes, cargo ships and railways allow for quicker, cheaper delivery, which impacts business by making global distribution more feasible. Technology has helped in customer service, huge corporations such as Apply and Microsoft attend to customer needs through email and chat services. Networking internal and external in organizations has improved the working of businesses. Staffs and clients likewise can get in touch with the managers for feedback, progress reports and extensions. It is definitely more convenient for customers as they do not need to trouble themselves to walk into a company that they want to complain or need help from.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Behaviorism Vs. Pavlov And Edward Thorndike Essay
Behavioral psychology has long been a part of society and an innovative part of psychology since the founding by John B. Watson. Behaviorism stresses the environmental role on behavior and is also referred to as the learning theory (McLeod, 2007). Two major contributors to Behaviorism are Ivan Pavlov and Edward Thorndike. These two very important psychologists had quite different views when it came to conditioning, but are surprisingly similar in some aspects as well. Having lived during the same time, Thorndike and Pavlov were aware of one another’s work and while Pavlov is credited as the father of classical conditioning, Thorndike’s discoveries led to the founding of operant conditioning by B.F. Skinner. To Pavlov, what we learned is a link between stimuli while contrastingly Thorndike believed we learn what is reinforced in our minds. This paper will delve deeper into the similarities and differences of these two psychologists. However, before we can examine Pavlov and Thorndike, it is important to understand Behaviorism and the role it has played. As previously stated, behaviorism focuses primarily on a person’s environment as well as previous life experiences to shape behavior. Unlike structuralism and functionalism which came before that only focused on psychological experiences; with structuralism being focused on the elements of one’s experiences while functionalism is more focused on the purposes of psychological experiences. Behaviorism is concerned with howShow MoreRelatedOperant Conditioning in the Criminal Ju Essay2660 Words  | 11 Pages(Skinner, 1953) What does that even mean? Scientists use so many worlds to say the simplest things. Basically, behavioral psychology is known as behaviorism and based on a theory of learning that is significantly contingent on the premise that behavior is acquired through conditioning. So, what Skinner was trying to say, in layman’s terms is behaviorism is the belief that a nyone can change or be taught to be different. The thought is with the right nurturing and nature, individuals who would normallyRead MoreBehavioral Models Of Personality Is An Important Part Of Our Personality2057 Words  | 9 PagesBehavioral Models of Personality is based on behaviorism, â€Å"the theory or doctrine that human or animal psychology can be accurately studied only through the examination and analysis of objectively observable and quantifiable behavioral events, in contrast with subjective mental states†(behaviorism, n.d.). Behavior has such an impact on our personality, as it reflects how reactions to events and situations that we experience in our lifetime. Although there are many, many different models and theoriesRead Moreconsumer behaviour1622 Words  | 7 Pagesbreakfast food? Colors of foods? Correct clothing for various events Why do you turn around when entering an elevator? Why do men wear ties and women do not? Why do people shake hands, and not touch elbows? Why do you know what constitutes â€Å"good†vs. â€Å"bad†manners? 3. Write short note on a) Consumption Pattern at different stages of Family Life cycle Ans) Consumption is a major concept in economics and is also studied by many other social sciences. Economists are particularly interestedRead MoreLearning Final Integrative Paper Aisha Khawaja 121972 Words  | 8 PagesThese two types of conditioning are often misinterpreted by many individuals; therefore, it is important to distinguish the two. Learning the different ways animals function and the new behaviors they adapt to are of interest to both Ivan Pavlov and Edward Thorndike. .Sex differences are measured and taken in consideration in both kinds of conditioning processes. Males and females learn and remember differently at different times of their life. Through reinforcement, participants are able to understand
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