Friday, August 2, 2019
Analysing Willfred Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est. Essay -- English Liter
Analysing Willfred Owen's Dulce Et Decorum Est. ‘Dulce ET Decorum Est’ is an anti-war poem, which emphasizes the intensity of war. The meaning of the ironic title roughly translated into ‘it is good and honourable’ but is not fully established until you examine the poem. The full title ‘Dulce ET Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori’ means ‘it is good and honourable to die for your country’. However the main aspect of this poem is paradoxical to its title. This demonstrates the message Wilfred Owen’s is insinuating and his attitude towards war. The poem is regarding Wilfred Owen and his troop of exhausted soldiers making their way back to base after combat at the front line until a gas shell is fired at them. A soldier is fatally gassed, is put in an ambulance dying slowly and then eaten away from the inside. Owen describes a man being engulfed by gas, â€Å"Dim through the misty panes and thick green light, Under a green sea I saw him drowning.†The death and distress is shown and the harsh actuality of war uncovered. It is almost as though you are reliving the agony the man is suffering. The reader is nowhere near as unfortunate as Wilfred. He was repeatedly tortured by his experiences even after having to encounter them. â€Å"In all my dreams before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.†It is an inescapable memory that haunts him even when he attempts to sleep, on constant replay in his treacherous mind. His feeling of helplessness from that moment were captured and frozen, regret for not helping covered with hope, the possibility that he was unable to do anything useful anyway. A sense of regret, disbelief and anger are reused in other anti-war poems that Wilfred Owen ha... ... aid the pain once and still endured. Owen has created a way that transports the reader back to the scene of the poem. Using the effectiveness of the senses. He describes the sounds, the smells and the sights around to give the feeling that you witnessing the happenings expressed. My final contemplations to conclude this analysis are not in despair but queries, whether it is rhetorical or not I am not completely sure. The thing that concerns me is how the government send men off to fight war when under the misapprehension that they are fighting for their country? Do they have no conscious, no guilt in sending the doomed youth off to their inevitable deaths? The decisions they make obviously have repercussions as do all decisions, but to knowingly condemn so many innocent people to physical and mental torture then death, to me is worse murder, is it not?
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