Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay about Video Games May Desensitize Youth, but Nothing...
Parents have a reason to be afraid. In this age, youngsters can casually hop online and quickly find an easy recipe on how to make their favorite deadly explosive, many schools now have metal detectors at the doors to prevent armed students from massacring their peers, drugs flow freely down suburban streets, and children have unprecedented access to. . . . .video games? It may seem a bit odd to place video games in the same category as the other frightening facts parents have to deal with, but in the past few years, violent acts of crime have become more and more common among teenagers. Parents looking to find a reason for this have turned to violent video games, which have also had a large growth over the past few years. Since†¦show more content†¦They claim that all the negative imagery on the screen seeps into teens subconscious and desensitizes them. A child will learn what he is exposed to most often, and in most video games, violence is the primary problem-solving option (Schroeder). When provoked, these teens react in a violent manner because it is what they have been taught by video games. Others say that video games have merely been made a scapegoat by the faulty parents of America who are afraid to admit their own part in the problem. The movie and television industry also point the finger at video games because as long as games are being blamed, the movies and television are safe. Supporters of video games say that video game players are all over America, and yet only a few have committed horrific acts of violence. They say these select few were mentally unstable before playing video games, and it is just coincidence that they were gamers. Ive been a computer nerd since I was a kid and Im not going crazy any time soon says Brian Deuell, an avid video game player. (Deuell). Both sides of the argument cite research that supports their position. However, these studies are often done in ridiculous setups using outdated and unplayed video games as a basis. Jeff Green, a writer for Computer Gaming World, wrote an article on one study that concluded that there was a link between teen violence and video games because afterShow MoreRelatedEssay on Video Game Violence1599 Words  | 7 Pageschild making a character in a video game ruthlessly rape, beat, and kill another character has been deemed acceptable as long as said child is of a certain age. Video games are prominent in everyday life. Children as young as two are starting off playing basic video games to learn their ABC’s and 123’s. The problem is as children get older they are influenced by the video games they play and most of the video games in today’s society are violent and gory. Video games affect children and cause themRead MoreIs Video Game Violence the Cause of Juvenile Delinquency? 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